Thursday, April 15, 2010

My 4 Cute Friends

I was sad to move from my old Ward. Sad to think that I would lose touch with friends that I had grown to love, friends that knew me and my trials. But we have this pact to gather for each other's birthday over dinner and catch up. And we do it - not just plan it or say "we should get together". We actually DO it, and I love it. Tonight was another link in the happy chain.

Mary, Marci, Tiffany & Amanda - you guys are awesome and I love you. Thanks for being my 4-ever 4 friends.


Tiffany Walker said...

Loved every minute of it. You said it perfectly. Can't wait until next time. Take care!

Julie said...

Hey Michelle, I saw your comment on my blog and I thought I would say hi! First of all, we missed our birthday outing. I'm ready for Wildflower whenever you are. It would be so fun to catch up with you. Let me know...

I a

Marci McLain said...

Hi Michelle, I was so sad that you couldn't make to dinner last week. It has been too long since we have been able to see you. I hope all is going well with you and your wonderful family. Hope to see you next time we get together. We missed you!!