We are so happy with Max's choices at school lately. He has been working very hard to earn 50 stars for appropriate behavior during the day. He is on day 12 in a row of perfect 50 stars. Way to go Max! We love Max so much - the little teacher in our family with the biggest lessons of all.
Go Max! We love Max too. Glad to hear he's making good choices - Devlin will be proud to hear his friend doing so well.
Good job Max!! That is Awesome!
It sounds like Max is adjusting just fine to the move... how about you guys? Sushi?
Congratulations on your big achievement! Keep up the great work!
Richy says hi.
Love Richard and Cindy
Yay Max! He is such a good kid! We're glad to hear he is doing well! Tell him we said hi and good job!
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