Friday, May 1, 2009


Darrell was given a clean bill of health as recovered from the parotitis. No more PICC line! No more IV antibiotics! Sometimes it's hard to be grateful for a body that seems to betray him at every turn. But as he faces each new physical challenge, I am constantly amazed at how he can stay positive and grateful. And it's not for show - quiet moments between us and the family, heartfelt prayers he voices, all remind me how strong and focused on the big picture he truly is.

Darrell has taught me so much - not only about him, but about my shortcomings. I know I would not face the challenge with the same faith that he has. I wish I could say that I would be as strong, but I fear I wouldn't be. I guess I need to pay better attention and learn. Because we all will face seemingly insurmountable trials in our lives. Every single one of us. It has made me ponder - how would I do? Not how do I HOPE I would do, but how would I do? It has made me make some mental adjustments.

A volunteer position came up in the community that required a 5-year committment and Darrell was considering throwing his name in the ring. I was so proud of his thought process - he is living like he will beat the odds. Who is to say he won't? Not me! I am gonna stick around and watch the miracle.


Ed said...

Way to see the rainbow through the rain! Miracles happen...whats one more?!

Kathy P said...

That is wonderful! Hurray for miracles!

Marci McLain said...

Congrats! That is wonderful. We will keep praying for those miracles to come your way.