Monday, December 1, 2008

Family Turkey Time

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We had such a fun, low-key Thanksgiving this year! Thanks to Mom and Russ who suggested we eat out this year and save our energy (especially Darrell's) for food and family time. We had lots of yummy food, even better desserts, and then we came home and played an "I-spy" type of game that is fun for everyone from Max to Grammy. The weather was beautiful and it even indulged us with some much needed rain. We have finally hit in the low 70's . NOW I remember why we live in Arizona. On friday Eric, Bryanna and I played the 7-hour marathon Rock Band Endless Set List - now we have platinum symbols (for those who know or even care what that is!)with me on vocals, Eric on guitar and Bryanna on bass. We are waiting for the Ion premium drum kit to exciting and slightly pathetic is that? Now to start a real band, right? "Thanks for the Candy" goes on tour near you....or at least in the neighborhood. Our house is always filled with music - and I love it. Hope your Thanksgiving was as happy as ours filled with food and family, health and happiness. It just doesn't get any better than this.

1 comment:

Tiffany Walker said...

What a fun Thanksgiving. We have always been tempted to eat out and save ourselves the stress of the day. It looks like you had a great time. Cute family pictures.